From the principal end of term three

Dear Families,

Term Three closes with a big sigh from students, teachers and our families. At school we have had a very industrious academic time over these ten weeks with the new normal school operational protocols now just part of our day. Students have been the most resilient just getting on with classwork, the new cleaning routines and making academic progress. For all adults the ongoing restrictions from COVID 19 have been tolerated but we all want our “new normal” to be more like the “old normal”.

Our state government is leading the nation in looking after the health and well-being of all citizens. We are set for a more normal Term Four with less restrictions affecting our lives, the same will stand for school activities with information coming out to you regarding families returning to participating in school activities according to state COVID phases. The first of which will be seeing parents at our Faction Athletics Carnivals on the school oval in week one.

Staff Changes: Farewell to Ms Murray and Mrs Rose.

We are saying goodbye to Deputy Principal Ms Murray. You will be greatly missed.

We will substantively fill the Deputy position from 2021. Mrs Preedy will undertake the Deputy role in Term Four. Her position will also be backfilled.

Mrs Rose (nee Smith) our brilliant Physical Education teacher will be taking maternity leave from the end of this week, Mrs Locker will take her place full time with her classroom teaching time to be taken by Mrs Slattery.

I hope everyone has a safe break and returns for Term Four ready for a very busy time. I also hope our gains with COVID19 measures continue, we will keep you informed if things change either way. Phase restrictions remain in place for weeks one and two. More news on this in Term 4.

Gary Brown – Principal

Settlers Primary School