Operating Procedures From Week 3

Year 1-6 Revised Procedures beginning October 26th 2020

Although Western Australia is remaining in Phase 4 operating guidelines as of October 25th 2020, some revisions in regards to capacity have been revised.

In accordance with these revisions we will now be opening our gates to any parents choosing to drop their students to the classroom door as of October 26th 2020.

As per pre-Covid school rules, all students are required to be seated prior to the classroom opening. Unaccompanied students are to be seated in the D block alcove and families accompanying students are also expected to sit in the central area of the school (the large area between B, C and D block), this assists us in ensuring no students are waiting in any unsupervised areas.

Gate Opening Times


8:15- currentgates will be opened for entry, all students to be seated. Students entering independently must sit in the D block alcove, parents with students move to the large area between B, C and D block. Parents, please be mindful of maintaining social distancing.

Alternatively, parents may prefer to time their entry until the class doors open.

8:30- the music will sound for students to enter the classrooms and prepare for the day. Parents are welcome to drop their students at the door at this time.

8:40- Admin will move to gates and lock them so that attendance procedures can be efficiently processed and the security of the students is ensured.


Feedback on our early finish time has been very positive in regards to the smoother exit of afternoon traffic, parents are encouraged to continue with current processes where practical.

Our current Covid cleaning timetable has our playgrounds scheduled for cleaning at 3:00 so playgrounds are unable to be used at this time.

2:45- Gates unlocked for parents choosing to collect students from within school grounds.

3:05- gates locked (excluding OSH entry gate)

  • Parents wishing to meet with teachers will still be required to make an appointment to ensure we are adhering to the correct square metre ratio in accordance to the updated Department of Education operating guidelines.

Settlers Primary School