
Settlers Primary School acknowledges that effective communication is vital in building positive relationships between teachers, parents and students. 

As members of the Settlers Primary School Community we agree to:

  • listen respectfully to others and remain open to ideas, opinions and feedback
  • treat everyone equally and fairly, respecting each other’s knowledge, experience and skills. 
  • inform others in communication and decisions which affect them directly 
  • use respectful language, tone and open body language and demonstrate common courtesy in all forms of communication.
  • communicate with others in a timely manner and be open, respectful and non-judgemental. 
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Settlers Primary School communicates with the school community through Compass, this website and the school’s Facebook page. All families are provided with individualised log on information to Compass upon enrolment. Teachers will communicate with parents/caregivers Compass via the newsfeed, app notifications and email.  For enquiries of a general nature please visit our website or contact our friendly office staff on 9523 5750.

For any queries or concerns that relate to the classroom, regarding your child’s academic progress, behaviour, homework, attendance or social and emotional well-being, please direct these to your child’s classroom teacher in the first instance. If you feel that your concerns need to be directed to the Principal or Deputy Principal please contact the office so that we can arrange a suitable time.

Settlers Primary School