Assessment and Reporting

Settlers Primary School Assessment and Reporting approaches align with The Department of Education Polices and expectations. 


Assessment is ongoing throughout the year in all curriculum areas and informs teaching and learning programs. Where needed teachers adjust assessment to match student learning needs and styles. Assessments may include written work, oral presentations, interviews, group tasks and observations. 

Formal Assessment schedules are implemented for each learning area. For English and Mathematics this includes student progress and achievement using Whole School Programs such as Letters and Sounds, the KAT Tool, SPS Sight Word and Basic Facts Lists, PM Benchmark and Probe Reading Levels and Words their Way. Teachers collaborate to analyse student achievement and plan programs. Assessment includes common assessment tasks and the collection of work samples which provide evidence of learning. Teachers meet in collaborative meetings to moderate standards across and within year levels aligned with the Western Australian Curriculum. 

Settlers Primary School participates in National testing for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for year 3 and 5 students. PrePrimary students participate in On Entry Testing at the beginning of PrePrimary. Year 4 students participate in PEAC testing and students who achieve high results have the opportunity to join the PEAC program. 


Reporting to parents on student learning occurs two times each year. At the end of every Semester parents of students in PrePrimary to Year 6 receive an electronic report. Reports are written using The Department of Education’s reporting template. The parents of Kindergarten students receive a report on Settlers Primary School reporting template. Reports include information on academic, social and emotional progress.

Students who require learning adjustments or additional support have their learning goals outlined in Documented Plans. Student progress is shared with parents each term. 

Please refer to the following web links for further information on Assessment and Reporting.

Settlers Primary School