Starting Kindergarten

Welcome to Kindergarten at Settlers Primary School. This is an exciting year of learning where your child will begin to develop skills for life. If this is the first time you will have a child attending Settlers Primary we welcome you to our school!    If you are an established family with children already attending our amazing school…..welcome back to Kindy. 

We know from experience that when parents and teachers work together they will not only learn from each other but they also support and extend a child’s development to maximize the benefits of the Kindergarten program.  We value parents as partners encouraging a two way flow of information and an active parent participation role at Kindy that allows you to link together what children learn at school and home.

Some important information about starting Kindergarten.

School Bag – Please provide a bag large enough to fit in your child’s lunch box, hat, spare clothes, and school jacket/jumper.

Spare Clothes – Please make sure your child has a full set of spare clothing each day. The spare clothes do not have to be the school uniform. Make sure that all items your child brings to school are labelled with their name.

Hat – Please provide your child with a wide brim, bucket or legionnaires hat. We are sun safe and that means NO HAT, NO PLAY.  Please label your child’s hat.

Water – Every day your child will need to bring a water bottle into the classroom (Water only please).

Fruit Time – Morning fruit is shared at Kindergarten. Please provide one piece of fruit each day your child attends Kindergarten. Please place the piece of fruit in the fruit basket that will be in the Kindergarten classroom.

Lunches – Please send your child’s lunch in an insulated lunch box that contains a plastic frozen block. We promote healthy food that includes sandwiches, wraps, crackers, salad, yogurt and fruit.

Now that you have packed your child’s bag with all of the above items, you are almost ready to come along to Kindy where you will meet your child’s teacher and class mates. 

Please click on the links at the bottom of the page. They will give you ideas to help you kick start your child’s learning.

We look forward to seeing you.

The Early Childhood Kindergarten Team

Hello School Booklet
Ten Top Tips for a Great Start to School
Reading Booklet
Numbers Booklet
Writing & Spelling Booklet
Eat Well – Play Well
Speech and Language Development
Tips for numeracy development

Settlers Primary School