
At Settlers Primary School the English Curriculum is built around the Western Australian Curriculum and three interrelated strands of Language, Literature and Literacy. Our teaching and learning programs balance to integrate all three strands. The strands focus on developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in ListeningReadingViewingSpeaking,Writing and Creating

Through the implementation of 21st century teaching programs, SPS English Curriculum builds on the concepts, skills and processes developed in the early years. This transpires to our Year 6 students starting their Secondary Education with highly developed Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening skills. 

Staff implement a wide range of programs and resources to provide engaging literacy lessons. Our Early Childhood programs include The Letters and Sounds ProgramThe Dianna Rigg Phonics and Home Reading ProgramsPM Benchmark Reading Program and SPS Sight Word Lists. Explicit teaching is balanced with hands-on learning opportunities and purposeful dramatic play stations to develop oral language and active listening skills. 

Our well-resourced Library, led by our passionate librarian Mrs Belinda Williams engages student’s interests. To include contemporary and popular texts, students give feedback to Mrs Williams so that all students develop a lifelong love of reading. As well as take home reading programs students regularly borrow books from the library. 

Settlers Primary School