2020 Parent and Community Survey

Dear Parents/Guardians Settlers Primary School would like to invite you to complete the 2020 Parent and Community Survey. A link to complete the survey has been emailed to the parent/guardians for each family today (5/11/20). The survey will remain available until 3pm on Friday 20th November 2020. As always we value your input and utilise … Read more

Operating Procedures From Week 3

Year 1-6 Revised Procedures beginning October 26th 2020 Although Western Australia is remaining in Phase 4 operating guidelines as of October 25th 2020, some revisions in regards to capacity have been revised. In accordance with these revisions we will now be opening our gates to any parents choosing to drop their students to the classroom … Read more

From the principal end of term three

Dear Families, Term Three closes with a big sigh from students, teachers and our families. At school we have had a very industrious academic time over these ten weeks with the new normal school operational protocols now just part of our day. Students have been the most resilient just getting on with classwork, the new … Read more

School Development Day

Monday 12 October 2020 is a school Development Day students do not attend school. All students return to Term 4 on Tuesday 13 October.

Traffic Warden

The Traffic Warden who works at the Children’s Crossing on Arpenteur Drive near Tranby Drive is unable to work this afternoon. Unfortunately we have no relief staff available to cover the position.  Please take appropriate action and and be vigilant whilst crossing without a warden present. Traffic Warden State Management Unit | Western Australia Police … Read more


We are saying goodbye to Deputy Principal Ms Murray. Tarryn is the newly appointed Principal at Warnbro Primary School commencing next term. We are very pleased to see her career continue at a local school. A huge thank you to Ms Murray for the contribution she had made to improving the educational outcomes for students … Read more

Settlers Primary School